Sunday, December 15, 2019

Little Scientists: Frogs and Toads

This session of Little Scientists was extra fun! This STEAM-based program usually starts with a story (non-fiction or fiction with factual elements) before we break up into stations to practice our STEAM skills. This program is for 2-5 year olds and lasts about 30 minutes. Here's what we were up to this time:

How many frogs can fit on a lily pad? We practiced our estimation skills by guessing and then testing how many frogs could fit on a lily pad (foam cutout) before it sank. Did it depend on how big the lily pad was or how close to the edge you put the frog?

Amphibian Hop- I researched a few different types of frogs and toads to see how far they can jump. Kids were then encouraged to jump as far as they could and see which amphibian they were closest too. The photos of each species was also roughly to scale so kids could see that even tiny frogs can jump very far!

We practiced our one-to-one correspondence by feeding frogs the correct number of flies.

Next, we practiced our skip counting (and more frog jumping) by hopping from lily pad to lily pad. Younger kids could count by twos and make smaller jumps while bigger kids could count by fives and make bigger jumps.

And my personal favorite station- We colored cut our frogs and used party blowers with velcro dots to try catching our own flies! Some kids got it right away and some kids needed practice, but adults loved seeing the kids try!

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